BVT Remote Assist
Digital solution for the future
BVT Sweden has always been a innovation company. What BVT is looking for in new technologies is thinking different from others. Technologies that brings a lot of value: solving customer problems in a sustainable, safe, and reliable way. The BVT Sweden product are world leading in terms of quality and for us any problem at customer site is very important to fix immediately. Even a second of down-time can cause huge problems at customers’ site. We have our worldwide service network to support customers, but we also know that during travel restrictions and quick-fixes, customer need our BVT Remote Assist.

When we developed BVT Remote Assist we understood that how we interact and communicate with customers on site is very important for success. This is where technology comes in. When we saw and tested the Hololens we realized this is the technology that will take us to the next level of digitalization. Being able to use this kind of technology in our communication makes guidance and support much easier.

On customer site
Last month we supported a customer on a power plant in Turkey during installation of BVT-Desuperheater. The Hololens provided the live video stream from the eye of the customer during installation to the BVT experts in the conference room in the BVT Sweden office. Our experts could send drawings and 3D models to the digital glasses at site. Direct communication and live video during installation made installation smooth and trouble free.
The installation was done over 2 days and several meetings were set up between the customer technician on site with BVT engineers. Several questions were sorted out directly Live.
BVT Remote assist can be used all over the globe at any time. There are places that are on remote location and during travel restrictions BVT can still support our customers globally.

The support our expert can provide directly to a customer on site via Hololens and BVT Remote Assist adds much value to both us and to the customer
BVT remote assist
Digital solution for the future
- BVT Sweden digital support due to travel restriction during Covid -19
- Future potential for sustainable business and cost saving in travel
- 24h support on any site around the globe from BVT Head office and factory
For more information please contact us at