BVT-HB heater bypass valves
Feedwater heaters are used in power generation to pre-heat the feedwater coming from the feedwater pump before being fed to the boiler in order to improve steam generator efficiency. The bypass system consists of two 3-way isolation valves, the HB is installed upstream from the heater, and the HBS is installed downstream. In normal operation both valves are opened, allowing water to flow through the heater.
Key features
- Protects feedwater heater steam jacket against rupture and leakage
- Protects turbine extraction from excessive back pressure
- Allows bypass of feedwater heater to be isolated without disrupting the water circulation
- Can bypass the feedwater heater during plant start-up and during low turbine load
- Allows bypassing of the heater at peak loads in order to increase power output from the turbine and improve overall plant efficiency
- Easy maintenance
Actuator type
Electrical as standard, other on request
Pressure class
Up to ANSI-4500
Leakage class
ANSI class III against bypass line
ANSI class V against feedwater heater
Regulatory standards